This formula will return the percent of the year completed for a given date.
How To Test If A Date Is On A Weekend
This formula will test a given date to see if it’s a weekend (Saturday or Sunday) and return TRUE if it is a weekend and FALSE if it is not a weekend.
How To Get The Weekday Name From A Date
This formula will return the weekday for a given date.
How To Get The Percent Of The Month Completed
This formula will return the percent of the month completed for a given date.
How To Do A Case Sensitive Lookup
This formula will perform a vertical case sensitive lookup in a given range of values and return a result from the corresponding cell in another range. The functionality of this formula is similar to the VLOOKUP function, however VLOOKUP does not differentiate between upper and lower case letters when looking for a match. To VLOOKUP “AAA” and “aaa” would be the same thing.
How To Sum All Odd Numbers In A Range
This formula will sum all the odd numbers from a given range of values. An odd number is defined as any number that has a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.