How To Find And Replace Multiple Text Strings Within A Text String

In this post we’re going to explore how to find and replace multiple text strings from within another string.


Excel has a great built in function called SUBSTITUTE which allows you to find one bit of text within another text string and substitute it for another bit of text.


Copy and paste this table into cell A1 in Excel

TextRevised Text
I eat apples and bananas


In the above example we can use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace all instances of apples with cookies using the following formula.




Copy and paste this table into cell A1 in Excel

TextRevised Text
I eat apples and bananas


Now if we also want to replace bananas with chocolate we could do this by using a nested SUBSTITUTE formula.




As we add more and more items we want to replace we need to nest more and more SUBSTITUTE functions and this will become more unmanageable. So instead we will create a user defined function in VBA to simplify this. If you want to know how to use this VBA code then read this post about How To Use The VBA Code You Find Online.

Function REPLACETEXTS(strInput As String, rngFind As Range, rngReplace As Range) As String

Dim strTemp As String
Dim strFind As String
Dim strReplace As String

Dim cellFind As Range

Dim lngColFind As Long
Dim lngRowFind As Long
Dim lngRowReplace As Long
Dim lngColReplace As Long

lngColFind = rngFind.Columns.Count
lngRowFind = rngFind.Rows.Count
lngColReplace = rngFind.Columns.Count
lngRowReplace = rngFind.Rows.Count

strTemp = strInput

If Not ((lngColFind = lngColReplace) And (lngRowFind = lngRowReplace)) Then
    Exit Function
End If

For Each cellFind In rngFind

    strFind = cellFind.Value
    strReplace = rngReplace(cellFind.Row - rngFind.Row + 1, cellFind.Column - rngFind.Column + 1).Value
    strTemp = Replace(strTemp, strFind, strReplace)

Next cellFind


End Function


This user defined function takes a text element and two ranges as input.

  • strInput – this is the text you want to replace bits of text from.
  • rngFind – this is a range that contains text strings you want to find in strInput.
  • rngReplace – this is a range that contains text strings you want to replace items from rngFind with. The dimensions of rngFind and rngReplace must be equal or the function will return an error.


Copy and paste this table into cell A1 in Excel

TextRevised Text
I eat apples, bananas, carrots and cucumbers


With this user defined function we can easily take care of replacing multiple texts using a simple looking formula without nesting multiple SUBSTITUTE functions.




Where $A$6:$A$9 is a range containing the text we want to remove (apples, bananas, carrots and cucumbers) and $B$6:$B$9 is a range containing the text we want to replace them with (cookies, chocolate, cake, ice cream).

About the Author

John MacDougall

John MacDougall

John is a Microsoft MVP and qualified actuary with over 15 years of experience. He has worked in a variety of industries, including insurance, ad tech, and most recently Power Platform consulting. He is a keen problem solver and has a passion for using technology to make businesses more efficient.

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  1. JULIA

    OMG, This is like magic!
    I have been looking for this function for long time. It saves me so much time.
    Thank you!

  2. Ahmad

    Sir, you save my life…the VBA code works like charm
    Thank you so much sir.

    • John

      Glad it worked for you!

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